Friday, March 25, 2016

True friendship – until death parts

This morning, on Good Friday, I’m looking back. I return to the day 12 years ago, March 25th in 2004. It was one of those days that became a turn in my life because I met a person who became one of my best and closest friends.
The first letter of Joe had a subject “Hei” which is a Finnish greeting for “hello”. He introduced himself as an American linguist and English teacher. He expressed his interest in Finland. And not much more was needed when I knew I’d write back to him. It’s always impressive when a foreigner expresses sincere interest in my country online. Being a language lover, I thought I might have a whole bunch of interesting conversations with him – by the time, I had no idea how many we actually had in all the years.
A month ago, I got a very sad, heartbreaking message from his family saying he had passed away. He had been sick for quite a while and – to be honest – I had been afraid of the day when I would get to know it’s now been his time to go. That day always comes too soon when someone close to you passes. It always feels things were left unfinished; there’d still have been so much to say, so much to do, so much to tell…
Joe and I started as pen friends. Our letters were long and chatty. We talked about languages (mostly English but also Finnish and some others) but we also talked about other things. It felt like there was no topic we couldn’t have talked about; lighter or deeper. Very soon, I got the feeling that once I saw a new letter from him I had a great urge writing back to him immediately.
After some time, somewhat half a year being friends, we started doing voice chatting on Skype in addition to letter writing. By the time, my English oral skills weren’t the strongest and Joe wanted to help me a bit there. It turned out voice chatting was as much fun as letter writing. It became a routine for us and we chatted one or two times a week.
Joe brought so much good into my life. And I know I did the same to him because we talked about it many times. I learned so much from him. And I had so much to tell him when he requested information about Finland and many other things. But one of the biggest things he did was that he introduced me to country music. I have posted this entry The 5 Meaningful Songs on here earlier. The first song mentioned in the article, by Garth Brooks, tells how it turned out.
On March 25th in 2014, we had a voice chat on Skype. We had a little celebration for our tenth anniversary of friendship. On April 2nd in 2015, we also had a voice chat on Skype also having a little celebration for our anniversary of me having fallen in love with country music ten years earlier. Those were actually some of the last voice chats we had. We stayed in letter-writing being Joe’s wish because he wasn’t so well anymore by the time.
When I look back and think about the 12 years it’s really easy to realize how very meaningful this friendship was to me. And it’s even easier to realize how different and emptier my life would be if I had never met Joe – if he had never written to me on that Thursday.
Even if I never had a chance to meet Joe in person it feels like I had met him. Most of our Skype video calls were long and lasted for hours. Not being a joke, once we had a real marathon call. We started at nine o’clock in the evening my time and it was half past six in the morning when I was finally so tired that I was close to doze off. And being most certain, there was not even one boring second included in those nine and a half hours.
Good memories will always live in my mind and heart. Even if we never met in person we stayed in touch in all the 12 years. We really were friends until death parted us. But even yet, we’ll still remain friends in my memories.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Internet friends – the meaning and importance of online friendship

I was on the bus on my way to work this morning when I logged in on Facebook to see what new there was on my News Feed. I was browsing for a few minutes but suddenly I stopped. A post by a friend of mine made a turn.
I have been online pen-palling, blogging, chatting for nearly 15 years. There have been several people who have just passed my way – come and gone, so to say – but I have a few friends whom I’ve met, kept in touch, and they are still there for years.
I do believe that one can really make true friends online. I have a couple of friends I’ve met over ten years ago and whom I’ve kept in touch with ever since, but whom I’ve never met in person. Yet, it does feel that I have because we’ve been in touch for such a long time, for so many years. There’s not just been a chance to travel to meet them, for one or the other reason.
In the post of my friend, it was mentioned that her long-term internet friend had passed away. This friend having passed was also my friend since 2007. We kept in touch reading each other’s blogs, commenting, sharing opinions in that way, and then we became Facebook friends when I started using Facebook actively.
Even if I never met this lady in person and we weren’t extremely close I did feel so sad and I nearly fell in tears there sitting on the bus. I couldn’t help clicking myself on to her site and when I saw her name and thought she was gone… it was a feeling that is hard to explain.
I have a very, very close online friend living in the US who’s been sick for over a year now. But we still keep in touch whenever he can and has energy to be online. Honestly, I am afraid for the day I’ll hear about his passing. We’ve been friends for 12 years. And no, I have not met him in person. But after all the letters written, Skype voice chats talked, good and bad stuff shared, secrets told… he is one of my all-time closest friends.
It was just a reminder to believe how I believe. “Live your life with no negativeness, enjoy each moment, and be happy.” Like Garth Brooks sings in one of his ballads, “If Tomorrow Never Comes”… You never really know.