Friday, March 21, 2014

Everything happens for a reason

I certainly do believe in that! Every once in a while I get a proof of it, so I’ve learned already long time ago that it simply is so. The latest occasion having happened to me is such a good example that it simply has to be shared.
At the end of February, a few keys of my laptop keyboard came off. The laptop is four and a half years old and it’s been in daily use, so it was no wonder. I called to the customer service of the shop where I’ve bought the laptop and asked how much the new keyboard and its installation would cost. I wanted to see if it’d be reasonable to fix the laptop or buy a new one. After all, the laptop works still very well.
On Monday the 3rd of March, I got the price estimation which was decent, so I agreed. The guy in the customer service of the shop registered the details that I’d take my laptop to the repairing department of the shop. I took the laptop there on Wednesday the 5th. And here comes why I believe that everything happens for a reason.
Wednesday the 5th was a crazily busy day at the office. I had to be in the switchboard taking calls for three and a half hours; from 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. It was really busy, which made the bosses anxious, and it made me worn-out. Top of all, I missed my lunch break because I had a meeting from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and there were a few urgent tasks, and then I was called to help in the switchboard.
I'm used to hectic days and a hectic rhythm of doing things at work. But when I popped in to pick coffee, visit the bathroom, and check if there were some urgent tasks waiting TWICE between 12:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. in both times my boss came to my office and said, "Why are you here? Go back to take calls." For God's sake, I was away from the line for hardly five minutes in both times. It really made me upset and wonder if I was just being paranoid or that was a bit inhuman to treat me like that.
Usually when there's a rush in some switchboard team and I'm called to help I just drop everything and go because it's mostly from half an hour to an hour how long I’m needed. So, it's okay because I’d be back to my tasks rather soon. But that day it was the whole afternoon I had to be there on the line. And during the whole day, I only had one break that was about 10 minutes plus the two breaks when I went to pick coffee and check the tasks at my office. I simply didn’t have time for anything more.
From work, I then went to the shop with my laptop. But the guy in the repairing department said there was no information about the laptop or even my name. And in that way, he didn't agree to take the laptop in. I explained him the situation but he just shrugged his shoulders because he couldn’t find any information.
So, I made an hour way there and had to wait there for 20 minutes just to hear I had gone there in vain. Then I made an hour way back home. Before that, I had had to work one and a half hours extra at work, so that I'd get the most urgent tasks done – those tasks I didn't have time to do within my actual working hours because I had had to be in the switchboard.
If I hadn’t been given such rough time at the office by my boss I would have made a great fuss in the shop. Such misunderstandings easily get my blood to boil. The mistake was obviously made by the shop and not by me. But I was simply too tired by the time I got there. The day at the office had nearly knocked me out, so when the guy didn’t agree to take my laptop in I just left. The only thought I had was that I’d like to get home, take a hot shower, and go to bed. On my way home, I was really feeling blue and worn-out.
On Thursday morning, I called to the customer service and told what had happened. The guy there was totally puzzled and he said the information was there in the database that he had registered on Monday. I asked how I could make a complaint and he gave me an e-mail address. Just an hour later from when I had sent out the complaint the manager of the repairing department answered me and said the guy who had served me in the previous day had messed something up – he was really sorry for it and for all the trouble it had caused to me.
He said I could bring the laptop in and they’d surely take it in that time. I asked if it really was so that fixing a couple of keys would take even three weeks – that’s the estimation of the time I had gotten. He said it was so because they have to order a whole new keyboard for the laptop and it usually takes that long until it arrives at the shop.
I asked if it could be done in the way that they ordered it and when it arrived I’d take the laptop in. In that way, I could keep the laptop instead of taking it to the shop to wait the new keyboard there. He said it’d be okay. He asked the exact details of my laptop, so that they’d get a right keyboard ordered.
I found an external keyboard that I could borrow. Finally, on Monday this week I got an e-mail from the shop that the new keyboard has arrived. I took my laptop in on Tuesday morning at 9:00 a.m. At 11:30 a.m. I got a text message that the laptop was ready. So, even if I had been told it would take one to two days it took two hours!
Some people think the kind of way to believe is silly. But I don’t think so. Of course, you can also work on things to happen in the way you want. But sometimes things happen just in the way it’s meant to be. I didn’t think anything good would come up from the fact I had been turned away when I was on my way home from the shop on Wednesday the 5th. But when the whole thing was settled on Thursday morning I realized it had gone just like it had been the best.
Later on, I told my boss that I was actually grateful to her for keeping me on the run on Wednesday the 5th and sucking all the energy out of me. She said it hadn’t been her purpose to be so curt to me but sometimes it simply happens when the situation gets nearly impossible. So, the bad busy day actually brought up a lot of good. The bad Wednesday the 5th surely made things to happen how it was meant to be.


  1. Tiina, I so admire your always positive attitude. I agree with you, that everything happens for a reason. We just have to recognize it and go with it, which is exactly what you did on your crazy, bad Wednesday. Hugs!!

    1. I've experienced it for so many times that at the end of the day things tend to turn out in a good way. This was one good example of why I believe in that way. With bad things to happen, it's not easy to notice and get it at first but the good comes out sooner or later - you'll just have to be patient and wait for it.
