Sunday, March 30, 2014

Kudos positive attitude!

What is it all about when one has a positive attitude? A friend of mine shared this wisdom quote on Facebook earlier today and it flashed straight through me when I saw it. To me, the saying crystallizes the very meaning of the positive attitude perfectly; if you’re feeling blue there’s always an escape route of some kind to better. You may not find it right away but it’s still there – each time after all.
But why do some people then have a negative attitude? I’m a person with a sound positive attitude, so I’m thinking of it every now and then – especially when I bump into it by facing negative people, for example. Why would people like to complain about mostly anything possible? Why would they like to waste their energy in that way? The more you complain the more it stirs up the negativeness in you. And the worse it makes you feel. To me, it’s simply a waste of time in life.
I believe in two ways in life; some things happen for a reason how it’s meant to happen. Some things you can work on to happen how you like them to happen. But it’s a skill to see positiveness in things. If you pick a cup of coffee at the office in the morning and it’s too strong would it be worth moaning about it? Or would it be better to think, “Well, perhaps I could make it next time, so it’d turn out better.”
Being positive also asks for a bit of strength. If life gives you a hundred reasons to cry you’ve got to be tough enough to say, “Heck, you see I’ve gotten a thousand reasons to smile, so you just drew a blank!”
Life experiences have grown me a sound positive attitude as well as a good self-esteem. Beginning from the earlier years, I was teased in school because of my poor sight. But instead of that it’d have made me negative I kept thinking, “Am I really worse than the others?” And the more I was thinking about it the more I realized I really was not.
I believe that examining your mind and ‘being on the same level with yourself’ are the things that help you to reach both a good attitude and a sound self-esteem. That’s how I think I’ve reached them at least. I’m well aware of myself, my ways of thinking, my opinions, my ideas, my thoughts, my feelings, and my traits (both good and bad). Some of my friends say to me every once in a while that I tend to be way too philosophical. But I don’t see it’s a bad thing that I do ponder a lot.
I also believe that losses of life teach. Even if a loss is mostly always a negative thing you can make benefit of it. For example, if you break with someone it might be sad to lose a person. But it could also be better without such a person you had wanted to break with. If you didn’t want to break with the person but they did it would be sad. But on the other way around, it might be better without such a person who had decided to break with you. So, there’s never just one aspect. There are always more.
For me and my life, the past 12 months have been more or less rough. There have been issues in the family, broken relations, passing, losing very important things, and difficulties at work (not caused by me that I have to specify here just in case). And to be honest, mostly I’ve been innocent to all the happenings.
But after all, when life has thrown me the hundred reasons to cry I’ve found the thousand reasons to smile – maybe not right away but at the end of the day. Each time I’ve managed to find the escape route from the sadness even if it may have seemed more or less impossible at first.
Wisdom quotes are very good to exist. They can say so much, they can give so much, and they can make you feel better when you start thinking of their meanings, analyzing them, and interpreting them. That’s why I wanted to share this wisdom quote that became one of my favorites at the very moment I first saw it today. It may be these thoughts could give positiveness and strength to someone else too. At least thinking a bit again made me feel better.


  1. Tiina, I am so happy you are here!! You are certainly one of the most positive people I have ever 'met'. Your friendship here is such a treasure!!

    1. Thank you, Terri! That's very nice of you to say so and I do really appreciate our friendship! I'm also happy to be blogging again. The blog has now been refreshed and I already have quite a few ideas in mind I'll be blogging about in the near future!
