Monday, November 3, 2014

The magic of the forest

The well known fact is that Finland goes through the period of darkness every year from the middle of October to the end of year. The closer the winter solstice gets the shorter the days are and the more there’s gloom. By the time, it gets somehow light around 9 a.m. and back pitch-dark between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m., depending if the sun is trying to shine or if it’s simply too cloudy.
I’ve been often asked by foreign people not living in Finland or having visited Finland during the end of the year how I can manage with the period of darkness. Well, I’m Finnish, so I guess I’m used to it. But on the other hand, every time fall has already been going for a while I start thinking that the dark period is coming. And I would lie if I said the thought didn’t feel nasty.
But even then, being unbelievable or not, there are ways to make it better. I took the photo just yesterday when I went for a walk to the forest. It was foggy and it was drizzling. It doesn’t look so tempting, does it? Actually, I would say it does in a way. Somehow the fog and the silence of the forest feel mysterious. And I have to say it feels quite amazing.
Going for walks has always been a way for me to relax – one of the ways that really relax me. When I stopped to take the photo and I had done it I looked around and I realized how peaceful it really is out there. There was no one about. I could just hear the sound of nature.
An amazing thing is that I live in Helsinki – the capital of Finland – but even then I live in a suburb that is surrounded by nature. There’s a big river passing the building where I live in. There’s a lot of forest and a whole bunch of beautiful routes where I can go for walks. Sometimes I’ve been thinking that part of me would be happier to live out in the country because there’d be more nature there and more peace and quiet than what you can get in the city. But when I’m looking at the area I live in I’m very comfortable here.
The place becomes a true winter wonderland when there’s snow on the ground and it lands on the branches of the trees that have dropped the leaves. Of course, the place is beautiful at any part of the year – even at the end of the fall when it’s dark and gloomy.

1 comment:

  1. Tiina, the photos you have shared with me/us have always shown the beauty of Finland and especially those around your home. You have such a lovely apartment and perfect views of nature. I often wonder how it would be to live in a place where there is darkness most of the day, since I am used to the sunshine in Florida, but you are not alone. Our Alaska has similar times of darkness and sunshine. I enjoyed your post!
